Sunday 31 October 2010

Context 2 Essay

I sent off my first draft of the essay on Thursday 28th, I recieved feedback the same day and have been working on the feedback for the past 3 days! I am going to send my 2nd draft tonight and hopefully get a better result! :D

Studio practice and Design- Lecture by Danny 26/10/10

In this lecture we talked about recording studios and equipment:

Echo: Vibration of the walls

That Curved walls are better for sound for the ecustics to bounce off.

Wooden Room: is for recording vocals

Stone Room: is for recording drums

Deborah's Lecture 26/10/10

In Deborah's lecture we talked about the Reece Sheet (Reconnaissance) and about being a location manager and how many things a location manager has to do which I did not realise.

Deborah mentioned a really useful website for locations

Later on we did an exercise on trying to remember the sorts of things that are said on set for example:

"Silence on Set"

"Everybody ready"

"Roll Camera"


wait 10 seconds "Speed"



"It's a take"

This was a very useful exercise and good fun.

Jim Shorthose Lecture 26/10/10

I again found this lecture not that great of use, Jim mentioned that you should find relationships when you leave university and I think thats quite obvious to be honest. He was explaining more is different and to embrace your own ignorance and that it can be useful. He mentioned you should encourage encounters and pay attention to local information ie. your own network. One thing I found fascinating was that he mentioned 15,000 films have been made since Motion pictures began featuring over 300,000 crew.

Seeing the Script 29/10/10- Lecture by Jools

In this lecture Jools talked about seeing the script:

Thematic concern: conflict- causes concern

Idiosyncrasies: definition, unique characteristics

Disparity: difference- example Beautiful mind, fight club, inception

Epoch: age for example 20th century

Beats: are a moment of decisive realisation for any character

We were put into groups for our next coursework piece I was put with 6 other people so we have a team of 7 and we were given the script called Fell and we dicussed our roles and this is what we decided:

1. Bejamin King: Director and Location Manager

2. Charlotte Cochrane: Producer, camera assistant and photographer

3. Thomas Pierrepont: Camera, post production visual effects

4. David Casey: Sound assistant and post production music/effects, lighting

5. Laura Read: Editing, runner, health and safety representative

6. Mike Wilson: Sound recording and post production music/effects, props

7. Alex Lea-Hayes: production assistant, locations assistant and titles designer

We have also set up a group on facebook so if we ever need to get in contact as well as having all each other's numbers its a good way of contacting each other.

Jim Shorthose Lecture 29/10/10

This lecture actually made a lot more sense to me as I said to Jim I really do not understand what he is going on about, he was explaining a bit better saying your relationships to the network, that the solution is never right in-front of you, creativity- you should feel confused about. He explained the exercises he did last week explaining that 90% of the way your going wrong but you end up in the right place.

  • Lateral thinking: thinking outside the box
  • Counter-intution for navigation: asking questions you don't know the answers to.
  • Public Sector: Government
  • Motivation: looking for alternatives
  • Anomelies: odd situation
  • Pecha Kucha- chit chat: japanese film
  • There is more networking in bigger cities like London, Manchester.
On saturday 30/10/10

Monster by Gareth Edwards

I went and saw Monster by Gareth Edwards and I was really impressed with the film, I thought it was really good and I was really glad I went. Later on he had a masters class to where he went into detail about how he created the film and it was really interesting and I learnt some wicked things.

p.s sorry about the quality it was on my phone.

Tomorrow Goal

I am going to try finish off Topaz by Alfred Hitchcock tomorrow and post my notes on here and I hired The Conversation from the Library so I am going to try watch this also and post my notes up. I Also want to read the two books I am currently reading so I can put the next chapters notes on here and attempt to start The Film Directors Intuition by Judith Weston tomorrow as it will help a lot with my new coursework piece. I also have a book called Voice and Vision by Hurbis-Cherrier which I will try to read the first chapter and post my notes also up here.

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