Original Adverts
Miss Confident
Miss Seductive
Miss Laidback
Miss Lust
Final Adverts
Miss Confident
Miss Seductive
Miss Laidback
Miss Lust
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Monday, 23 April 2012
Friday, 20 April 2012
Client- Nivea Questionnaire
I decided to put together a questionnaire together to get a deeper understanding of how effective Nivea adverts are and to focus on what will make a man purchase Nivea for men skincare.
Here below are the questions in the questionnaire:
I decided to put together a questionnaire together to get a deeper understanding of how effective Nivea adverts are and to focus on what will make a man purchase Nivea for men skincare.
Here below are the questions in the questionnaire:
1. How old
are you?
20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45+
2. Do you use
3. Why do you
use it?
4. Do you buy
moisturiser cream?
5. Why don’t
6. At the
same time don’t you want your skin to look nice as well as your body to smell
7. Have you
seen any Nivea adverts if so which ones?
8. What was
the technique they used for the advert? (i.e. how they showed the advert,
style, design, what gender they used, what was said?).
9. Did you
feel like purchasing Nivea for men after seeing the advert if so why if not why?
10. Do you
feel like purchasing Nivea for men after seeing this advert is so why if not
11. Has your
girlfriend or a woman ever suggested for you to use a moisturiser?
12. Have you
ever thought of using it?
13. Why
haven’t you if you haven’t?
14. Did you understand the meaning of the
series of adverts?
15. Do you feel like buying Nivea after
watching these adverts?
16. Did you understand each individual
Miss Lust-
17. Did you understand these women were
being insincere?
18. Are these the things that men do
really want women to say?
19.Which advert portrayed the most
effective acting?
Which advert conveyed the most effective message?
21. What other themes could women talk
about that men like to hear?
Opinions (feel free to add any comments)
Thursday, 19 April 2012
Today I gave a rough presentation to Deborah, which has lead me to discover much preparation is needed for this!!
I have received feedback from my client and will be including certain parts in my evaluation and I have started to receive feedback from the questionnaires I have sent out which I will include certain part within my evaluation.
Client- Nivea
After reading what my client had to say, I will be handing in two versions to be marked, one being the first final version and then another where certain bits have been changed to what my client thinks will enhance it more.
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
Client Feedback- Very Happy!
Hi Charlotte
First off, well done. You've really paid attention to the brief. You've hit the nail on the head in terms of developing work that responds to the strategy - to help men discover that women can tell if men moisturise.
You've targeted the audience segment well and acknowledged that we are talking to guys who don't use skin care products by creating a campaign that gives them persuasive reasons to consider trial of the product - that use might help them get noticed more by the opposite sex. You've done this in a way that is both surprising and quite unconventional, a way that will appeal to the target's 'boyish' side - there's nothing 'girly' about the spots even though you at first think the spots might be for girls because we are used to seeing girls in ads for products targeted at girls.
This brings me on to the placing of the pack shots and endline at the top of the spot - I wonder if the branding might be better placed at the end of the spots so that you don't know what you are watching to start with and therefore build more intrigue. Again what we know about the audience is they are not interested, probably turned off by skin care products so placing the branding at the top might actually cause them to tune out. Perhaps better to open with our live action and close with the pay off line and the Nivea for Men messaging - I think this is something you were considering anyway.
In terms of the individual spots, they are all on brand and nice and cheeky. The music tracks work well - although if this was a commercial campaign you might not have the luxury of four different tracks, and from a recognition point of view this campaign might have more stand out and feel more like a campaign of you used one track - they are all good so any one of these would be spot on. It also might be nice to use the track throughout the spots, low in the mix for the action and ramping up for the pack shots.
Finally in terms of the end lines, these all work well with the individual spots, but I would like to see them work together better as a set - end lines should be memorable and if you are going to adapt them for separate bits of copy they should have a common theme that runs throughout so perhaps taking key words like 'For that... feeling' and substituting the appropriate contextual adjective 'confident/relaxing/seductive...' would make the spots suitably refreshing, but also clearly part of the same campaign.
That said, my overall response is that the campaign idea works well, it's fun and cheeky and it feels like a fresh approach. Really nice work Charlotte.
Good luck with the remainder of your course and your plans to move into the media industry.
If you need anything further from me do shout.
2 weeks left of university!!
Client Project- Due in 1 week!
Everything is done with client:
- 4 Adverts
- Storyboards for each advert.
- Risk Assessment
- Recce Sheet
- Log Sheet
- Shot List
- Scripts
- Wardrobe
- Music
- Animating
Client Evaluation- due in 2 weeks!
I am awaiting feedback from my client which I hope to include in my evaluation at the moment I am just over 2000 words and handing in a draft as the evaluation is due in 2 weeks!
I am also awaiting feedback from a selected amount of people that I have sent a questionnaire to and again I hope to include this feedback within in evaluation.
Artefacts & Presentation- due in 11 days!
Everything is complete with artefacts 1-5:
- Presentations
- Ethics forms
- Risk assessments
- Recce sheets
- Log sheets
- Shot lists
- Brainstorms
- Storyboards
- Evaluations
- Graphs
- Pie Charts
- Tests
- Questionnaires
- Voice overs
Presentation- Monday 30th 11.00- 11 days away!
I have structured out a presentation in powerpoint and I am working on a draft to show my tutor tomorrow to get feedback of anything that doesn't make sense or anything that is missing.
Monday, 16 April 2012
Saturday, 14 April 2012
Artefact 5 Evaluation
This focused on looking back at the written dissertation to see if the question researched has come to a series of conclusions. The question being in what ways have public information advertisements been effective through different communication tools and techniques? In order for this to happen the research had to reflect back on the key findings and understandings of all the previous artefacts in order to create a drink driving advert (DDA) that will hit an audience on a sophisticated level using certain elements, which proved to be successful at obtaining certain emotions and feelings.
Artefact 5 was created after reflecting on all the findings of the tests already completed in artefacts 1,3,4 which included, visual, voice overs, font, music and statistics it was established that not all of these elements were proven to be most effective alone, mixing certain elements together allowed this final artefact to be created in a way that shows, what ways DDA’s most effective communication tools and techniques are.
Using a mixture of the women’s faces, voices, calm, peaceful music, basic font with different colours, voice overs for certain areas and statistics shown last proved that this DDA was most effective through these different communication tools and techniques.
Improving this would be to use a variety of women that have been convicted of DD to make it more believable. Focusing on narrowing the statistics and creating a storyline. Developing the traffic light slogan and making a series of adverts to present all this information.
Developing this further would be looking into why perceptions of women are the way they are and how adverts rein form women about perceptions of who they really are in today’s society. How to break through our cultural perceptions of why we think women aren’t potentially as responsible for men’s DD. Getting bigger focus groups will enable a more defined conclusion.
Friday, 13 April 2012
Exhibition Pictures- Layout 4

Charlotte Cochrane is a producer, passionate about the advertising industry. Doing work experience at The Mill has enabled her to experience working in a professional surrounding. She has an understanding of technical skills, team working and collaborating innovative ideas, using a methodical approach to creating work of a high standard.

Thursday, 5 April 2012
Nivea Adverts
- All 4 adverts have been edited and are finished! may tweak lighting and will then upload.
- Evaluation is in progress half is written up as a first draft.
Exhibition Pictures
- I have chosen layout 4 which is two pictures and I have designed and created them but will look at again before posting them up.
Monday, 2 April 2012
Client Project- Nivea
Below I have displayed the process of choosing the right girls for each role, I ended up filming 8 girls to find who suits each role perfectly.
Miss. Laidback
Take One- Rosie

Final Take- Amy

Miss. Seductive
Take One- Cat
Final take- Tash

Miss. Confident
Take One- Lorren

Final Take- Nikki

Take One- Amy
Take Two- Narinder

Final Take- Narinder

I am currently editing all of these and choosing music.
I also was able to get Callum off of the virtual environments pathway to create an animation for me to be included in the advert to give it that extra bit of sophistication, which looks great.
Sunday, 1 April 2012
Artefact Four Evaluation
This focused on furthering the understanding of artefact three, by testing a series of elements to secure an understanding of what elements will prove to be most effective in a drink driving advert (DDA).
Those elements consisted of audio, visual, font and statistics. Audio tested a calm and fast pace sound to establish which piece made the audience link more. Visual tested artefact three using faces, voices and a mixture to establish if using them together can make people today feel more apprehensive and concerned about DDA. Font tested different colours and fonts to see what emphasises the emotions. Statistics were tested by positioning in different places, to establish where is the most memorable and to see if it changes the audience’s thinking or feeling.
Quantitative data was used to gain feedback with a group of men and women via a recording of a focus group with structured questions to see the differences between the genders.
The recording showed for audio that the different pieces of music expressed different emotions there was not one more effective just that the faster piece was harsh as people were struggling to listen.
For visual using both sound and image together communicated a stronger message.
For font using the same font was best, having some words in different sizes had a bigger impact on certain emotions; using different colours distinguished different emotions.
For statistics a mixture of thoughts were said, showing at the beginning no one knew what the DDA was about till the end and it was forgotten. Showing at the end it is quite curious throughout and no one is entirely sure what is happening, seeing it last makes it memorable.
To improve this artefact, to shock the audience in a more sophisticated way a combination of male statistics compared to women with the increase in cars on screen could be shown.
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