Seminars 2nd March
Today Jools introduced us to Sketchup 7 which is a really easy way of creating houses or anything you want really, I have downloaded it on my laptop and think it is really useful and kind of a fun software.
Online Environments
Yesterday I had an interesting lesson, learning how to make a series of questions and be able to click on them and they take you to the right page. I have put together a bunch of questions for my pub quiz but I am basing it on a new game I recently played at a pub called Beat the Landlord. My questions are based on music, cities, characters, drugs, old facts, transport, animals, a real general sense of knowledge, there are going to be 20 questions. I have written out a rough idea of how the score system would work at the end of the game.
End of the Game
0 Points- Barred
1-3 Points- Buy the round
4-6 Points- Buy a pint for the Landlord
7-10 Points- Average Drinker
11-15 Points- Weekly Drinker
16-19 Points- Happy Hour
20 Points- The pub landlord.
I also plan to use a bit of animation in my quiz too which I learnt from last term in animation, I want to do some pixilation of a beer pouring. Basically if you got a question wrong your beer would get lower and if you got a question right you would get more beer. I also plan to put sound affects with this too to make it more realistic and exciting.
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