Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Seminar 16th March: Jools

Today we were put into groups and asked to come up with five question to develop your skills, my group came up with five but Jools thought only one of them was good, so here are the five questions anyway:

1. How much time do you have to put in your work each week?
2. Where do you go for resources?
3. How do you go about critically analysing your work?
4. How does the final work help process your next piece?
5. (the only good question) How has your work changed since you started the course?

We were then told to go find another group and ask each other's questions, as I only had one good one I asked no5. and the feedback I got was: I feel my work has changed from graphical to digital as I came into this course thinking I was doing graphics, but I have learnt so much new software and I really enjoy it.

I was then asked their questions which were:

1. What's the most interesting thing you have discovered?

The most interesting thing I have discovered is 3ds max, as I realise how much work goes into an animation now its amazing, also seeing how it all works, it's not as hard as you think in some ways but is in others. For example its easy to make some things but its hard to make them effective and work the way you want them to.

2. What have you done that has challenged you?

Recently I took out a camera, tripod and light to start a documentary as I think I am going to choose Moving Image for my pathway and I felt it was a challenge as I did not really know what I was doing and I was doing it individually so it wasn't like I could ask anyone, as I went home to start my documentary.

3. Have you thought how you could integrate your research into your work/ progress, what have you learnt?

I feel my research has really benefitted me in my work as it has opened my eyes and mind to new ideas I would have never thought of. It has progressed me by bringing my research and work together to see more.

4. How have you acted on recent feedback?

When I get feedback, I will go talk to the person face to face about it or by email but more face to face to get a better understanding of what I did wrong or right and how to make it better.

Overall I feel I did not get much feedback from the people I asked questions but that is because I feel our group did not understand the task, I mean I know I did not really understand it. I feel being asked a different groups questions it opened my mind, seeing where I spend my time and how I work. I found it helpful for myself as I got to reflect on myself but I wish I made it more helpful for the other group as I feel I did not help them reflect in their work. It was a good way to compare yourself to what other people where and are doing.

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