Artefact One Evaluation
This focused on women drink driving adverts (DDA), specifically on convictions statistics, which have constantly increased in the last 40 years from 924pa to 11,151pa, yet there are no DDA that target women. Men’s statistics are higher but have stabilised which may indicate why DDA have focused on men but women need to be publicised too and this is why this DDA artefact targets and features women, to provoke a reaction.
Women from the public were selected and asked them to express certain emotions into the camera. Scare tactics no longer work as highlighted by The lessons from the drink driving campaign by Anna Taylor. Messages need to be more subtle to communicate to society today to influence people. Qualitative data was used to gain feedback via a questionnaire to highlight the key opinions of men and women on DD using an observational focus group with an equal number of men and women feedback to compare different gender opinions. Expressing the women’s different emotions to the public about DDA collected quality data. It was established that men and women have different attitudes, perceptions and opinions on DDA.
Interesting statistics include:

The focus group established that no one really knows what the advert is about until the end and, that all the men didn’t think women did drink drive as people generally like to think women are more responsible than men
and finally that women don’t identify themselves as seriously as men do to DD.
To improve this artefact the questionnaire could have a, got a deeper understanding by having 25 people complete the questionnaire while only 12 people gave sufficient valid data. Also, getting the women whom expressed their emotions to the camera to be more believable and sincere and to improve audio quality.