Our brief for this project is to produce two pieces of coursework
that examine your relevant multimedia discipline and your place in it.
Within my pathway I am specifically interested in TV commercials incorporating animation and video footage together, I was thinking of focusing on how does the inclusion of animation into video footage within a TV advertisement affect the viewers perception of the product?
Questions I thought of:
1. Merging live action and animation, is this a bigger impact on an audience?
2. What principles are needed to make a successful advertisement?
3. How does humour benefit the TV commercial adverts?
4. What is the balance between featuring live action and animation?
5. How does using live action and animation make a success
ful advertisement?
6. What is it about the advertising industry that makes it successfu
7. Is live action and animation combined proven to communicate a product successfully?
8. What is it about the use of live action and animation combines that develops an advert even further?
9. Why incorporate animation into live action for an advertisement?
10. How does visually incorporating live action and animation make it exciting and more appealing to an audience?
11. What makes an advertisement memorable?
Final Question
How does the inclusion of animation into video footage within a TV advertisement affect the viewers perception of the product?
Mind Map

Simulated Client Project
Our brief for this project is to make a multimedia product for the Alumni Association, I have chosen to
focus my on Cancer Awareness. I plan to create a short video stating some facts about cancer and what alumni do to help this cause.
I have 6 facts
1. Every 2 minutes someone is diagnosed with cancer in the UK.
2. More that 1-3 people
develop some form of cancer during their lifetime.
3. Around 1% of cancer occurs in children, teenagers and young adults.
4. Cancer is the number 1 fear for the british public, feared ahead of debt, knife crime, Alzheimer's disease and losing a job.
5. Cancer causes 1 in 4 deaths in the UK.
6. That all the alumni money goes to resarch without a top slice for managing a charity.

Context 3: Assignment 1 Startup Factory
Assignment 1 Startup Factory
Our brief for this project is to device and model a new startup company, which should combine your specific multimedia practice with practitioners from another multimedia discipline. The idea is to try and devise an entrepreneurial approach to cre
ating innovative products or services that your company provide.
I drew out 2 mind maps for this to get my ideas rolling:
I started thinking as I am interested in advertising i d be looking at doing promotional videos maybe for the Uni on TV or for the Uni to show on open days about courses i.e Multimedia, or looking at small businesses that cant afford promotional videos and i could collaborate with students off different pathways to promote themselves by donating their time. However I realised even though I am interested in promoting I came up with a new idea.
I had a surgery sessio
n with Jools and got a better outcome for my idea, to maybe look at Stealth, Urban, Gori
lla marketing- self marketing not necessarily TV but crafty clever advertising- NON traditional, looking at individuals/ companies that cant afford advertising and seeing what they do.
I would be creating a service where individuals, small businesses or people with limited funds would come to me for urban, non traditional advertising. I would be coming up with an idea on how to advertise them on crafty level where its not necessarily the aim to be on TV but it could turn out that way.
Mind Maps

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