Sunday, 27 November 2011

So results are in for assignment 1 and im happy, just sent 1st draft of research project lets hope theres not much to do, assignment 2 is half way there and waiting to receive brief from client to write proposal! so its all on the roll for the next 2 weeks then CHRISTMAS! :D

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Simulated Client- Alumni

Has all been handed in and I ve put my video clip below for everyone to see.

StartUp Factory Report

Has been handed in and completed! ppphhew!

Now to focus on:

  • Research Project Essay

  • Assignment 2 for Context 3 Essay

  • Proposal for Client

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Simulated Client Project

Cancer Awareness:

Context 3 StartUp Factory Report

Been working on this for 4 weeks now and pretty much got it there and i'm happy with it, just going over and checking the grammar.

Research Project

My research question has actually changed to:

How have the main techniques been adapted for online advertising and how do new methods compare in effectively reaching the audience?

As my question before involved animation and it just didn't look like it would work as I cant create animation.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Since my last post I have been so busy working away on the following project:

Stimulated Client Project- Cancer Awareness

I filmed this on the friday and have been editing on it ever since and its looking pretty cool heres a picture to show you a bit of what it incorporates:

Context 3 - Startup Factory Report

I started this and sent Jools my Executive Summary and Introduction just to see if I am on the right lines and got some feedback and ive been working on it ever since, I sent my first draft today so hopefully i'll get some feedback this week so i can keep working on that.

Research Project

I sent Deborah my attempt at the research project: topic submission form and had some feedback and have been working on that and will properly send that tomorrow for some more feedback just so I can read over it again before sending it.

Books & DVD's

Here are some of the Books I am reading and looking
at and a few DVD's I have watched to help me with my research project.



I also looked at How Images think by Ron Burnett

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Research Project- PRP

Our brief for this project is to produce two pieces of coursework
that examine your relevant multimedia discipline and your place in it.

Within my pathway I am specifically interested in TV commercials incorporating animation and video footage together, I was thinking of focusing on how does the inclusion of animation into video footage within a TV advertisement affect the viewers perception of the product?

Questions I thought of:

1. Merging live action and animation, is this a bigger impact on an audience?
2. What principles are needed to make a successful advertisement?
3. How does humour benefit the TV commercial adverts?
4. What is the balance between featuring live action and animation?
5. How does using live action and animation make a success
ful advertisement?
6. What is it about the advertising industry that makes it successfu
7. Is live action and animation combined proven to communicate a product successfully?
8. What is it about the use of live action and animation combines that develops an advert even further?
9. Why incorporate animation into live action for an advertisement?
10. How does visually incorporating live action and animation make it exciting and more appealing to an audience?
11. What makes an advertisement memorable?

Final Question

How does the inclusion of animation into video footage within a TV advertisement affect the viewers perception of the product?

Mind Map

Simulated Client Project

Our brief for this project is to make a multimedia product for the Alumni Association, I have chosen to
focus my on Cancer Awareness. I plan to create a short video stating some facts about cancer and what alumni do to help this cause.

I have 6 facts

1. Every 2 minutes someone is diagnosed with cancer in the UK.
2. More that 1-3 people
develop some form of cancer during their lifetime.
3. Around 1% of cancer occurs in children, teenagers and young adults.
4. Cancer is the number 1 fear for the british public, feared ahead of debt, knife crime, Alzheimer's disease and losing a job.
5. Cancer causes 1 in 4 deaths in the UK.
6. That all the alumni money goes to resarch without a top slice for managing a charity.


Context 3: Assignment 1 Startup Factory

Assignment 1 Startup Factory

Our brief for this project is to device and model a new startup company, which should combine your specific multimedia practice with practitioners from another multimedia discipline. The idea is to try and devise an entrepreneurial approach to cre
ating innovative products or services that your company provide.

I drew out 2 mind maps for this to get my ideas rolling:

I started thinking as I am interested in advertising i d be looking at doing promotional videos maybe for the Uni on TV or for the Uni to show on open days about courses i.e Multimedia, or looking at small businesses that cant afford promotional videos and i could collaborate with students off different pathways to promote themselves by donating their time. However I realised even though I am interested in promoting I came up with a new idea.

I had a surgery sessio
n with Jools and got a better outcome for my idea, to maybe look at Stealth, Urban, Gori
lla marketing- self marketing not necessarily TV but crafty clever advertising- NON traditional, looking at individuals/ companies that cant afford advertising and seeing what they do.

I would be creating a service where individuals, small businesses or people with limited funds would come to me for urban, non traditional advertising. I would be coming up with an idea on how to advertise them on crafty level where its not necessarily the aim to be on TV but it could turn out that way.

Mind Maps

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Final Year eeeekkkkk scary stuff !!!

  • Client Project
  • Research Project
  • Context 3

Friday, 6 May 2011

Research Project

I have re worded my question to this : What is the public perception of the ‘remake’?

Well I have been working on this for some time and met up with Jools today to get some feedback and I am just tweaking bits and will prepare a talk for next thursday!

Myself and Vyte started to editing the Arkwright Footage and plan to have a 15 min and 2 min footage for them by next friday!

Myself and Vyte also just need to tweak Alley Cafe's footage and hand that in too next week and thats my 2nd year wrapped up!

Monday, 25 April 2011

Robin Hood Title Sequence

Friday, 15 April 2011

Easter Hols are over back to Work!

So had come pretty amazing news I won the Competition for The One Day On Earth Project and I have to send my footage to Santa Monica to be looked at by the editors and to be put on their documentary the big screen fingers crossed!

Research Project

So this is the only Uni project for this term so I am focusing on this and working hard to make my 5 minute presentation amazing! :D Here is my question below which I am researching now:

Is there any coloration between remakes of films over a period of time, does film show a similar pattern?

Arkwright Cafe Filming

So myself and Vyte filmed on Wednesday which went really well and we plan to edit from May the 3rd and hand it in on the 10th, they want us to produce a 15 minute piece and a separate 2 minute.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Sound Project: DONE

Title Sequence for Robin Hood: DONE

Title Sequence Essay: DONE

Portfolio: DONE

Documentary: ALMOST THERE!


Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Is Looking GOOD!

Sound Project: DONE

Portfolio: DONE, just need to add my title sequence when I complete the final bits tomorrow.

Title Sequence for Robin Hood: Done just a few tweaks that I am doing tomorrow.

Title Sequence Essay: Proof Reading tomorrow.

Documentary: As far as I know is running smoothly.

500 Words Rational for Gee Baby

Having never worked with mixing sound before, I found it quite difficult, as there are so many things to learn, there is a lot more to sound than you think. My partner was Vyte and we started by listening to all the different songs we were given called Meant To Be, Efflux, Nick, Knuckles and Pride, Witchcraft and Gee Baby. We felt the track called Gee Baby had the most potential and we knew we could help emphasis the track. We felt that was important so we went with our instincts, which we think is the most important thing. The other five sounds were quite hard to work with and did not come to our liking, we wanted something we both enjoyed and knew we could get to a higher standard. We did this but working on a piece of software called Pro Tools LE 7.3. We started by listening to the whole song to see what it lacks and what we could improve to make it to a high standard that corresponds well together. We noted down certain sections we wanted to enhance to make sure we did the most important sections first then we made the rest of the track blend and bounce well off each other. After that we picked certain parts in the track and listened to all the different instruments ranging from drums, bass, voice, keyboard and saxophone. This gave us the opportunity to enhance each instrument if we wanted to and to see what each part has to offer to the rest of the track. From here we established what needed to be done by changing the different channels by making them deeper or softer which would help collaborate with the rest of the track and fit strongly with the corresponding elements. After this we adjusted each track making sure it collaborated well with the previous track and to enable it to run smoothly. I feel as a whole we have made this song sound much more appealing to a wider range of an audience, you have to be very careful with jazz and we felt the beginning part of the song was much to intense for when you first listen to it. We wanted to start it off softly and gradually work its way up the scale so it gave people a chance to get used to the music before it being too intense, making it much more appealing to a wider range of an audience, which makes it a lot pleasanter to listen to. Working with Vyte has been very good, she is a great partner and never lets you down and I feel even though we have different opinions, we are not afraid to tell each other, the song is a well mesh of both of us, I look forward to working with her again. I feel I have learnt a lot about sound and what collaborates well and how sound really defines your work.

Sunday, 13 March 2011


So its the last week before everything needs to be in but everything seems in a good place.

Title Sequence Essay

DONE: just need to double check and proof read.

Title Sequence for Robin Hood

I am really happy where the title sequence is now just tweaking it to make it perfect.


Is still being edited but in a good place.




DONE: just a few teaks and then I will upload it to my portfolio.

Sound Project

Done: Just need to put it on a disc and upload the 500 words I have wrote.

Arkwright Filming

So myself and Vyte have not heard back about when we start filming so I am guessing it will be after Easter as we only have one week and we are pretty busy.

Monday, 7 March 2011

Top Tips for 1st Years

  • Don't let a lot of work put you off a pathway choice, every pathway is difficult in its own way.
  • Look at people's online journals if its your own year or years above.
  • Try and meet up with a second or third year or get to know them, or email them to talk to you and help you out when you need it.
  • Start looking for placements now to do over the summer of your first and second year because you won t have time in the third year.
  • Try do as many external projects as possible because at some point you will need to make a showreel and your university work will not be enough, you need to show your keen and passionate.
  • As soon as your told about a book you should be reading, go to the library that day as there are usually 2 or 3 copies and they will all be gone and people can re new books up to 9 times, unless you buy them, some are worth buying some aren't, talk to your lecturer on which ones are.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Title Sequence for Robin Hood

Right, I have been working SO hard on this title sequence and I have a draft to show Jools on Friday, SO fingers crossed he likes it and I can improve on it to make it amazing!


I have been working on this really hard and I would say I have finished it but I keep adding little bits, so I would say there is room for improvements, so I am just taking it as it comes. I plan to work on my showreel tomorrow for the portfolio, it is nearly ready to be put in my portfolio, but again I am always adding new bits and constantly editing.

Saturday, 26 February 2011

Title Sequence for Robin Hood

I have been working really hard and focusing on this project, I have started to get more
footage bits together and photographs which I think work well and I have been working hard
on text, it is coming along now and I feel really happy with it.


I have also been working really hard and focusing on this project, I have done a lot more and
keep adding bits and bobs, I thought I would not have enough work but I seem to have lots,
so its giving me an advantage as its more to experiment with how I am showing my work. I
made a mini showreel a while ago and have been adding to it when I can and hopefully this
will really enhance my Portfolio.

Arkwright Restaurant Footage for Nottingham Trent University

Myself and Vyte went along for another meeting about what they would want from us,
we received some feedback that they want our footage to mainly focused on these key
areas being:

  • Waste
  • Soil Association
  • Local Produce
  • Health and Wellbeing
Myself and Vyte are very happy with whats happening and we are just waiting for an email
to tell us times and dates which are best for them and we will start! :D

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Over the past few days I have been really focusing on my projects and trying to get some done, to focus on others.

Alley Cafe

On monday myself and Vyte finished our Edit and our just waiting for our sound to be confirmed.

Sound Project: Gee Baby

On monday myself and Vyte finished our sound edit.

Documentary: Complaint

Everything has been filmed for complaint and I look forward to start the edit from tomorrow.

Title Sequence Essay

I am handing in my second draft tomorrow, which I hope it much improved.

Title Sequence for Robin Hood

After doing all my footage and taking pictures I have chosen specific parts and started linking
it together on Premier Pro, photoshop and soon hopefully after effects.


So after spending ages trying to make a splash page, I have ended up doing my portfolio somewhere else and have come really far with it! :D

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Portfolio Inspiration

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Hi everyone, sorry I have not been on here in a while which is TOTALLY NOT LIKE ME lol, I was involved in a car accident and have just sorted everything now, so between that I have been working and here is my progress so far:

Title Sequence Essay

Right so I sent a draft out to Deborah and have been working on it and I plan to send my 2nd draft tomorrow, fingers crossed it has improved which I am sure it has.

Title Sequence for Robin Hood

I went to London and did some filming and took pictures of bits I needed (trying to keep it a secret) and I have took some pictures of a Park back at home called Hylands Park and also taken some pictures in Nottingham, I have had a meeting with Jools on how to progress with what I want to do and I shall be working with premier pro over the next few days to start to get a feel of where this is going and how I will get to what I want to show.


I have missed quite a bit being away and have just caught up and been told we are filming tomorrow and friday and I am excited for that to begin and to start the edit and sound which sound being my job, be nice to do something different!

Sound Project

I have arranged with Danny and Vyte to do this partner project on Thursday again due to not being here and hopefully that will be good fun!


I have some ideas for a splash page for my portfolio possibly using after effects but I am going to try some pixilation first to see where that takes me and try after effects but having never used it before could be a struggle but I have back up plans ie pixilation and using other softwares I am stronger in i.e Premier Pro.

Alley Cafe

In my busy life hopefully myself and Vyte will be able to finish editing this to give back to Alley Cafe for their website and to put in our portfolio's possibly.


I was told while away our group did not win the project, however there will be other opportunities!

Footage for University Cafe

Vyte kindly signed me up to do some footage for Nottingham's Trent University Cafe which is a great opportunity after hearing we did not get the E-ON project but this is great and it get paid BONUS! looking forward to starting that!

Friday, 28 January 2011

Feedback from Back to Basic Presentation

This is the feedback we got from everyone:

  • We needed to have some information about a budget.
  • We needed to explain in more detail how we got from complaint to our idea of role play.
  • We needed more information about the individuals we said we re interested.

Basically we should have met up more to really be a lot more on it for the presentation, I think it went well but it could have been better with a bit more prepartion!

Robin Hood Title Sequence

I am going back home this weekend and plan to go to London on Sunday to get some footage for an idea I am intending to go with! Lets see what happens!

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Since my last post I have been very busy working on:

Alley Cafe

Myself and Vyte have started to edit out footage, we have so much, so thought instead of going through it all to cut out parts, we have just gone straight into to it by making an introduction which looks promising!


Today I met up with my group and we have changed our idea a few times! but we have a promising presentation to present tomorrow.

E-On Pitch

The e-on pitch we felt as a group went really well and we are very keen to know who they have chosen, we find out Monday so fingers crossed!

Robin Hood Title Sequence & Essay

I plan to send off my first draft of the title sequence essay to my tutor and get some feedback on how I can improve that, also I have a surgery session with Jools tomorrow to discuss how I can make my idea's come a reality.


I have been working on a mini show-reel to give me some experience and it is coming together just slowly, I am finding it difficult to use the right parts and music to make it combine well together.

Lobo Showreel

Deborah shows myself and Andrew this showreel in our last tutorial session and I found it very inspiring and thought I would put it on my blog for others to see.

Saturday, 22 January 2011


So myself and my group have sorted out our pitch for E-on and are going to complete everything on Monday for the Wednesday pitch!

Alley Cafe

Myself and Vyte went to film on wednesday day and thursday evening to get one of their live events and acts and we are planning to edit all day wednesday!


Myself and the group have sorted out the roles and I have been chosen to do Sound, which is nice for a change as it is the only area I have not done. Our word is complaint and we have a really good idea and plan to further this on thursday for the friday presentation.

Title Sequence Essay

I have started the essay and plan to continue more with it once I have more firm ideas for what I am going to do for my Robin Hood title sequence which will hopefully be tuesday. I have looked at a range of different films particularly my favourite ones which I will intend to write about, I have written about one so far, so maybe I ll think of handing in a draft soon to see if I am going about the right lines.

Robin Hood Title Sequence

Well over the last few days I have been trying to get all my ideas together to show Deborah on Tuesday so that fingers crossed I know which idea to go with which will help me enable the rest of the essay and to start creating my title sequence for robin hood.

I will not be posting my ideas on here but I will be posting my inspirations and things I have looked at that have given me many ideas:

I have been looking at a lot of different Robin Hood films ranging from:

  • The adventure of Robin Hood
  • Men in Tights
  • Prince of Thieves
  • Robin Hood 2010
  • Cartoons of Robin Hood
I have been looking at how Robin Hood has changed over all the different films and episodes, what makes Robin Hood, what he is about and why he is a legend.

I have about 4 ideas to talk to Deborah and hope that the best one she thinks is a winner!

In the Adventure of Robin Hood I feel this is very much a love story, you can hear a very confident radio like voice to over emphasis everything, they use really bright colours on there actors/actresses, all the titles cover the whole screen. As you can see Robin is still with his hat and arrow. As this film was made in the 1938 there would only be simple titles and black backgrounds.

In Men in Tights, I find this more of a comedy, there are some cheesy songs and black men making a lot of jokes, it seems here the colours of their costumes have become a lot darker but is still wearing the famous hat.

In the Prince Of Thieves, I find this more of a love story, it has very traditional music, simple lettering, but the title sequence has not imagination all they have done is use the bayeux tapestry as their introduction a very traditional safe idea. The colours again seem much more realistic here and the hat as disappeared but he still shows his arrows off.

In Robin Hood 2010, I feel this film is more of a battle, there is the traditional handwriting, the effect of a light from a candle, the moon and black sky and you can hear the wind and breeze, then it goes into an action sequence, people running in a forest, horses and chasing and the word Nottingham appears, you can clearly seeing people are stealing and you know its Robin Hood because he is an archer. The colours seem darker again more believable and still the hat is missing but the arrows are right there.

But whether Robin Hood is portrayed in all these different ways you know it is him because of what he believes in being fair and the law and people not being ripped off. Most films now start with a intriguing introduction but anything before the 1940's was very basic.

I decided I could go 3 ways with the title sequence

  • Traditional title sequence 1950's
  • Historical context
  • Action today's standards
I feel the best one for me would be traditional with a twist! we shall see!

Apparently there is a new Robin Hood is progress with a modern take staring Will Smith in the making. Which will be interesting!

Also Nicolai Fuglsig is directing a futuristic action adventure re-imagining Robin Hood!


With the portfolio I am gradually building up bits to put it in for example e-on if we win, alley cafe, my pixilation piece I did over christmas with my brother, Rundance and some of my university work. Problem is I have completely forgotten how to make the beginning part of a portfolio which i mean the buttons as I have not used flash since last may! So may need to ask someone for a tab bit of help!

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Documentary & Title Sequence Essay

So, I ve read through the brief and I understand the next 2 projects ahead of me are a group documentary and an individual title sequence, I have been researching title sequences and think I know the 3 I would like to discuss in my essay.

I also want to send of my Run-dance footage for the final time, sort out a pixilation piece I did over Christmas, sort out a film I am doing with a friend for Ali cafe and sort out a group for this E-On project which I am really keen on doing.

Lots to do!!!!

Monday, 10 January 2011

The Mill Work Experience

From the 4th January to the 7th I did work experience at The-Mill, I got given a really cool top I got to keep !

On my first day I was put in the TV and Film studio which was an interesting day but not exactly what I had in mind, so on my 2nd day I asked to be put in Great Marlborough street main building, which was much more interesting. I got to speak to loads of people one being a guy called Richard who worked in a Flame Studio who works on edits, he gave me so much advice, he has been working for The-Mill for 10 years and he too started as a runner. I have learnt you must start as a Runner which is not as interesting as it sounds, it is really hard work but the great thing is you get to specialise in what specific job you want to do and you can get promoted at any time so its just like working from the bottom up sucks! lol I also spoke to a guy called Daniel who worked in The Final Cut Studio, who puts all the storyboards together and had a really interesting talk, he was saying he gets to go on shoots which is what I d love to do I expressed I do not want to always been computer based and he showed me a piece of work he's done, which was for a computer game and it was amazing on how real it looks and how he made it look and he explained he sends it back to another department and then they send it back and its amazing the process it goes through to get it to the way you would see it on a television screen! I also got to sit down for an hour with 2 people from scheduling who explained that they fit in all the clients and organise everything which is where you would get promoted to after being a runner and then so on, so you have to work your way up but its amazing all the people are soo friendly and you can just knock on anyones door and see what there doing and they explain. The only bad side is when you study to be promoted you have to do it after hours of work so it means long days and travelling! While I was at the film I Had opportunities to give out some business cards I made which I think will show a real determination some people I gave them to were really impressed!

Hand-in Practitioner's Essay & Feel Film

Today I went in to meet only half of the group really so not good but we got everything together and burnt it on a disc and gave it in so HAPPY! lol