The Lady Vanishes by Alfred Hitchcock
I found this film really interesting and enjoyable.
- Bon is the hotel manager, an avalanche occurs causing the trains not being able to leave, so everyone tries to stay at Bon's hotel but it is rather full, three english ladies arrive to stay at the hotel however they booked ages ago so they go right to there room.
- Two gentlemen called Chutlis and Calldicock arrive but there are no rooms left so Mr. Bons offers the maids room and they take it.
- They say english are honest by nature
- Apparently people love to sing here up in the mountains
- A man called Gilbert plays really loud music and dancing above one of the english ladies room called Iris and she bribes the manger Mr. Bons with money, he goes and kicks the man out. Later on Gilbert comes into Iris's room and starts to unpack saying he is staying there so she rings Mr.Bon and gets his room back.
- The man who has been singing all afternoon outside get strangled by an unknown person.
- Iris and the english ladies the next morning take her to the train, however an old lady called Miss. Froy asked if they had seen her bag she went over to the bench and Iris realised her glasses were on the floor she goes over to give them to her and a flower pot falls on her head but that flower pot was meant for Miss. Froy.
- Iris still gets on the train Miss. Froy assures her two friends she will look after her, she then collapses on the train though.
- Miss. Froy looks after her and takes her to have some tea however Miss. Froy only likes her tea called Mariman's so she brings some of that with her.
- They then go back to her seats and Iris falls asleep when she wakes she can't seem to find Miss. Froy and no one else seems to have remember an old lady sitting with Iris.
- Iris begins to search the train and bumps into Gilbert the man who was playing loud music and dancing, he insists on helping her.
- Iris remember having tea and the two gentlemen Chutlis and Calldicock passing the sugar so she goes to find them to see if they remember Miss. Froy and to find another man who was in their cabin in the train she went to see hi first. The man says there was never an old lady with you, he mentions as you knocked your head maybe its made you to believe you were with a Miss. Froy.
- Train stops at its first destination as injured passenger comes on with a noun, she looks for Miss. Froy but sees no one.
- Iris continues to look with Gilbert and goes to see a couple who might have seen Miss. Froy but the man says no but there lying so that they do not have to be witnesses, however the man's lover later tells Iris she did she her.
- This couple want to divorce their partners but the man says his wife never will.
- Margaret the man's lover tells Iris s a lady called Madame Cumar helped her with her bang to the head not Miss. Froy.
- Iris sits down all panicked and starts to see Miss. Froy's face everywhere, she admits the people are right maybe I am imagining her.
- Iris mentions she is getting married on Thursday.
- Iris goes to sit in the diner cart with Gilbert and notice where Miss Froy wrote her name earlier when they had tea on the window as she could not hear what she was saying, however when she tries to show the man it disappears.
- A Dr. Heart mentions to Iris you can stay in a room at my ward for a night to get better.
- Gilbert sees a man throw rubbish out the train and sees a piece of paper that has tea: Mariman's written on it then he believes Iris about a Miss. Froy being on the train.
- Gilbert mentions we are on a cosmopolitan train for all different nations, he believes her, they go to the cargo part of the train and see a box moving and assume its her but its a cow, they keep looking and find magician things who below to the Italian man who Iris was sitting in the same cabin with. The man asks Iris where was Miss. Froy going she says that she was going home and she was a governor. The man finds a visiting car that says the great act of the vanishing lady.
- The Italian man finds them and has a fights with Gilbert, they find Miss. Froy's glasses, they trap him in a coffin but it turns out it was a trick coffin like the disappearing cabinet they found.
- Iris notices the noun that came on board with the injured passenger isn't a noun as she is wearing high heels.
- Gilbert says to Iris maybe when Miss. Froy came on the train they put her in the luggage area, then Madame Cumar became Miss. Froy and Miss Froy became the injured passenger- as they never saw Miss Cumar get on the train, but they say why would someone go to all this trouble for a governor maybe its political?
- Dr. Heart finds them looking at the injured passenger and say the noun is deaf and dumb and he ll meet them in the diner cart, however when they leave he says to the noun whats happened she said they must have been tipped off, they believe theres been a subsituition.
- They reach Marsekin Soan, he tells them that it is Miss. Froy and they can have a look soon, but first have a drink.
- They have a drink then Dr. Heart mentions he has spiked the drink with Hydrosen, he mentions the operation for Miss. Froy will be performed by himself, he is involved with the comspirisie, iris faints and Gilbert pretends to faint too, they wake up when Dr. Heart has left and realise they need to save Miss. Froy who is going to get murdered. However when they go back to the noun she is actually a good person as she says I am not deaf and dumb and your drinks werent spicked the Docter asked me to do it but I didnt, she wants to help, they start to unbanage her face and it is Miss. Froy.
- Then Madame Cumar walks in they take her hostage and put her down as the patient instead.
- The train stops for the second time, they bring the injured passenger out and put them into am ambulance however Dr. Heart realises something is wrong and then finds Madame Cumar, the noun is coming off the train and he tells her to get back on.
- The train starts again and they are nearly over the boarder, they hear a woman scream they think its the noun as she got in trouble and knows too much.
- Someone separates their carriage from the rest of the train, their train stops and they see a bunch of cars waiting for them with men with guns, a man comes in to convince them to leave but the man knocks him out.
- From outside they start to shoot so some of the passengers start to shoot back, one of the two gentlemen who love cricket and who were getting this train to england to see England vs Australia and ignored Iris too long for what was going on got shot in the hand but is alright.
- Gilbert who has been helping Iris shoots some of the bad guys, Miss. Froy pulls Iris and Gilbert to the side and tells the if something happens to her they have to remember this tune its a vital message for a Mr. Calendar about between two european countries.
- Miss. Froy makes a run for it so they now have two chances of getting that message there.
- Margaret lover refuses to fight and says he is going outside to surrender, he refused to use his gun but someone took it off him, he goes outside and gets killed for not listening.
- Gilbert goes to get the train started again and does, the man who Gilbert knocks out comes back to his senses and takes the rest of the passengers hostage, while Gilbert is getting the train going, the noun who is with him has to jump off the train to change the direction and get shot in the leg.
- Train finally arrives to England on Platform 7, Iris sees Charles her fiance and hides and jumps into a taxi with Gilbert and they kiss. Gilbert later forgets the tune and they hear someone playing it they follow the sound and there is Miss. Froy playing it on a piano.
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