Monday, 18 October 2010

MALac: That's a Wrap

Today myself and the team met up at my house at 9am to film, however we did not start out to a good start we did not start filming till about 11ish as we realised some parts of the equipment were missing or not working, our tripod was missing the part that allows you to move the camera around. Our chip in the camera would not work, luckily I had a 4MB chip from my camera that we managed to use, we were also missing the gun shot for the boom stick and missing the clips to put the gels up. So after going a bit back and forth we managed to start filming.

Our actor/actress were really good and enthusiastic and really did the role proud, we manages to wrapped up at about 7ish so as you can imagine it has been a long day but we re glad that at the end of it everything went well and we have a lot of footage and different angles to work with. Fingers crossed when we look at the footage on Thursday we will be really happy with the work we have done, as I feel we did a really great job and nothing more could have been done!

I will be posting some pictures of all of us working when the Alex gets a chance to load them as we used his camera.

Well done team!

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