Tuesday, 9 February 2010

The Cabinet of Caligari

This film was written in 1919, filmed in 1920 and released in 1921. This was the first film 1st film in history to be told in flashback according to Mr.Francis and the 1st german expressionist film. As well as it being the first proper horror film with a twist at the end, as it turns out to be a fantasy. As I mentioned earlier above it was the 1st german expressionist film, they used backdrops, all the angles were shot differently, they used makeup as an expression. Influences established were Tim Burton for his quirky themes, Tara Tino, James Whale, Alfridge Hitchcock, Terry Gilliam. This film was bit confusing for me, I understood that Caligari had a somnambulist who went around different towns as a sort of circus show but the twist was he was getting his somnambulist to kill people, he was obsessed. Then when someone got too close and found out what he was actually doing, he would turn it out on them as if they were crazy and he would turn them into the new somnambulist, which he would care for.

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