Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Hi everyone,

Happy New Year everyone!

Well I have had my first proper day back at uni, where I have been in a two hour lecture this morning and a seminar this afternoon. I have been given a task to write on my blog what are we doing to develop ourselves as practitioner's. What I feel I am doing is I have been looking at other peoples blogs to see what everyone is up to and how they are doing with their work. I have been reading a book called In the blink of an eye: a perspective on film editing, to give me some knowledge on film editing and what multimedia is. Also as a part of my tutor group we have been given a task which we did try in the first term, which we are doing again. Its called the Meal Project and we are working with some students from China, where we take a picture every minute for your waking day. However we realised in the first term this was too hard and there would be many pictures of the same thing, therefore we are just taking a few on things we do in a day. I am lucky to be going skiing this friday till monday so I am going to take my pictures of me skiing, which should make it a bit more interesting. I will then be uploading these pictures to flicker and we'll see where that goes from there.

I spoke to a few people in my lectures and seminar today and found that I am not the only one who does not have a great understanding of multimedia, I wish to develop this by talking to more people about it and looking at people's blog and doing more research.

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