Thursday, 17 March 2011

Sound Project: DONE

Title Sequence for Robin Hood: DONE

Title Sequence Essay: DONE

Portfolio: DONE

Documentary: ALMOST THERE!


Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Is Looking GOOD!

Sound Project: DONE

Portfolio: DONE, just need to add my title sequence when I complete the final bits tomorrow.

Title Sequence for Robin Hood: Done just a few tweaks that I am doing tomorrow.

Title Sequence Essay: Proof Reading tomorrow.

Documentary: As far as I know is running smoothly.

500 Words Rational for Gee Baby

Having never worked with mixing sound before, I found it quite difficult, as there are so many things to learn, there is a lot more to sound than you think. My partner was Vyte and we started by listening to all the different songs we were given called Meant To Be, Efflux, Nick, Knuckles and Pride, Witchcraft and Gee Baby. We felt the track called Gee Baby had the most potential and we knew we could help emphasis the track. We felt that was important so we went with our instincts, which we think is the most important thing. The other five sounds were quite hard to work with and did not come to our liking, we wanted something we both enjoyed and knew we could get to a higher standard. We did this but working on a piece of software called Pro Tools LE 7.3. We started by listening to the whole song to see what it lacks and what we could improve to make it to a high standard that corresponds well together. We noted down certain sections we wanted to enhance to make sure we did the most important sections first then we made the rest of the track blend and bounce well off each other. After that we picked certain parts in the track and listened to all the different instruments ranging from drums, bass, voice, keyboard and saxophone. This gave us the opportunity to enhance each instrument if we wanted to and to see what each part has to offer to the rest of the track. From here we established what needed to be done by changing the different channels by making them deeper or softer which would help collaborate with the rest of the track and fit strongly with the corresponding elements. After this we adjusted each track making sure it collaborated well with the previous track and to enable it to run smoothly. I feel as a whole we have made this song sound much more appealing to a wider range of an audience, you have to be very careful with jazz and we felt the beginning part of the song was much to intense for when you first listen to it. We wanted to start it off softly and gradually work its way up the scale so it gave people a chance to get used to the music before it being too intense, making it much more appealing to a wider range of an audience, which makes it a lot pleasanter to listen to. Working with Vyte has been very good, she is a great partner and never lets you down and I feel even though we have different opinions, we are not afraid to tell each other, the song is a well mesh of both of us, I look forward to working with her again. I feel I have learnt a lot about sound and what collaborates well and how sound really defines your work.

Sunday, 13 March 2011


So its the last week before everything needs to be in but everything seems in a good place.

Title Sequence Essay

DONE: just need to double check and proof read.

Title Sequence for Robin Hood

I am really happy where the title sequence is now just tweaking it to make it perfect.


Is still being edited but in a good place.




DONE: just a few teaks and then I will upload it to my portfolio.

Sound Project

Done: Just need to put it on a disc and upload the 500 words I have wrote.

Arkwright Filming

So myself and Vyte have not heard back about when we start filming so I am guessing it will be after Easter as we only have one week and we are pretty busy.

Monday, 7 March 2011

Top Tips for 1st Years

  • Don't let a lot of work put you off a pathway choice, every pathway is difficult in its own way.
  • Look at people's online journals if its your own year or years above.
  • Try and meet up with a second or third year or get to know them, or email them to talk to you and help you out when you need it.
  • Start looking for placements now to do over the summer of your first and second year because you won t have time in the third year.
  • Try do as many external projects as possible because at some point you will need to make a showreel and your university work will not be enough, you need to show your keen and passionate.
  • As soon as your told about a book you should be reading, go to the library that day as there are usually 2 or 3 copies and they will all be gone and people can re new books up to 9 times, unless you buy them, some are worth buying some aren't, talk to your lecturer on which ones are.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Title Sequence for Robin Hood

Right, I have been working SO hard on this title sequence and I have a draft to show Jools on Friday, SO fingers crossed he likes it and I can improve on it to make it amazing!


I have been working on this really hard and I would say I have finished it but I keep adding little bits, so I would say there is room for improvements, so I am just taking it as it comes. I plan to work on my showreel tomorrow for the portfolio, it is nearly ready to be put in my portfolio, but again I am always adding new bits and constantly editing.