Thursday, 20 May 2010
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
To cut off the zoom in in the bed scene as you already understand what's happening:
This was edited because you knew what was happing and it didn't need to be as long as it was as nothing else was going to happen in that shot. So cutting this down also help kept the viewer interested in the story without becoming bored with overly long scenes.
To repeat the first 2 smoke scenes to the end:
These scenes were shown again to show the audience that they already know what will happen after the room fills with smoke. It explains that the timeline of the film is broken and that it actually starts with the end. These two scenes were also shortened as it wasn't necessary to see the whole shots again as this would make the audience bored, but just as a refresher of what they had seen at the beginning to remind them that the scene they are seeing is in the wrong order.
To add the erie Music to the text message scenes as well:
The erie music that appears during the smoke scenes was added to all the text message scenes as it gave the audience an understanding of how the character was feeling whilst reading the messages and to give it a more erie feel, without the character having to speak. It also added tension and drama to the scene, which without would be boring and dull to watch. It also explained that these messages were from the same person/thing and has some relationship to the first two scene as it shares the same erie music.
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Monday, 17 May 2010
Saturday, 15 May 2010
Friday, 14 May 2010
Today we finished the film! We got some feedback from the other groups, I thought I would put it on here so my group can see it and we can use it for our presentation.
Question 1: Did you understand the story?
- Not really, bit confusing, vague, couldn't tell the signifiance, the scrit was pretty confusing, but was filmed accurately.
Question 2: Is there anything specific that will improce the film?
- Sharper shots, looked a bit blurry, audio in places would improve it, sharper shots not all focused.
Question 3: Did the film remind you of any other film is so what?
- Nothing, Phonebooth
Question 4: Any overall comments?
- Good shots, good ideas, just need to be a bit clearer.